Open Living Lab Days

The Living Lab in the transition era – September 21-23 – BCN

It is a great honor and pleasure to participate on September 23rd in the context of the Open Living Lab Days. We would like to thank the local organizing team and the ENoLL Office for inviting us to join you on that day.

It will be a great opportunity to visualize the work done by some of the most active members of the Ecosistema Català. So, it will be a very good opportunity to interact with the international living labs community.

We highlight the visits of Saturday 23:

Coboi Lab 

Public administration and social innovation.


Person-centered care, care and health.


Ecological transition and regenerative economy.

Social agriculture, ecological co-housing and energy sovereignty.

In the workshop we will consider

How to activate collective intelligence for Sustainability with LL?

We will be inspired by the orchard
of the Fundació Ferrer Sustainability